Sunday, September 16, 2007


Hey everybody! Well this post is for sis. Tammy! I was outside today and she told me that i had better post today so i guess I am. First ill tell you y i havent been posting. you see my computer has not been on for like a week. *sad face* So first ill tell you what i did yesterday. My dad has been workin so hard on the house lately right?? so yesterday (saturday) he had a day off. so he decided he wanted us all to go fishin!! so we go out to the lake and everybodys fishin, except for my mom cause she hates fish, and i didn't feel like fishin cause the place we went is not the best place to catch fish. so nobody caught anything so we went home ate lunch and tyler and michael wanted to stay home so they stayed home with my mom. so the rest of us went out to a different place to fish. and the place we went, i had never been there before, was this beautiful little lake so i decided to fish. so about 2 minutes into it autumn starts screamin and pulls a fish out of the water! I hadn't even started fishin yet!! so i get started fishin then finnaly i catch 1 then we all go over to the other side and i could see, acctually see with my eyes, the fish swimmin around so i start surface fishin (surface fishin is were you are on a dock thats out into the water and you just drop the line straight down.) and so i catch another one and by then my dad wants a go at it. (cept that he had left his in the van) so i let him use the one i had. so he starts fishin and then julia catches 1! and i still want to fish right? so i get the roll of line, tie a hook to it, put a worm on it and start fishin!! WITHOUT A POLE!!! then my dad catches 1 (the biggest one all day!!) then i catch one (withour a pole!!!) and then we have to leave cause its getting dark. we must have been there for about 5 and a half hours. so thats how yesterday went!! Read the next post and ill acctually tell ya about today!


Caet said...

"fishin"? lol how come you always get so many comments???

Caet said...

I am hurt!

bj said...


Tam said...

Yah for posting!